Typing Error in Convention Book


Typing Error in Convention Book image

There is a typing error in the Convention Book sent out to Clubs and County Boards, it should read as below: -

Typing Error Corrected
Motion 4
Article 65.5
The standing grades are: -
Gents Senior: +3 to -3
Gents Intermediate: -4 to -8
Gents Junior: -9 to -16
Ladies Senior: +1 to -7
Ladies Intermediate: -8 to -14
Ladies Junior: -15 to -21
Amend to
Article 65.5
The standing grades are: -
Gents Senior: +3 to -2.4
Gents Intermediate: -2.5 to -7.4
Gents Junior: A -7.5 to -11.4
Gents Junior: B -11.5 to -16
Ladies Senior: +1 to -7.4
Ladies Intermediate: -7.5 to -14.4
Ladies Junior: -14.5 to -21
Mark Keohane & St. Anne’s
Amend to
Article 65.5
The standing grades are: -
Gents Senior: +3 to -2.4
Gents Intermediate: -2.5 to -7.4
Gents Junior: -7.5 to -16
Ladies Senior: +1 to -7.4
Ladies Intermediate: -7.5 to -14.4
Ladies Junior: -14.5 to -21