Code of Ethics & Governance Code
Code of Ethics
- Pitch and Putt Ireland is fully committed to safeguarding the well being of its members. Every individual at all times should show respect and understanding for their rights, safety and welfare, and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of Pitch and Putt Ireland and the guidelines contained in the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children's Sport in Ireland.
- All Clubs should ensure that their constitutions are amended to take cognisance of:
- Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children's Sport in Ireland.
- Pitch and Putt Ireland's Policy Document.
- Clubs should maintain a proper register of junior members (i.e. up to 18 years of age) including parental contact details.
- Clubs should appoint a Children's Officer (CO) who shall be the link between the children and the adults in the Club.
- It is recommended that all coaches working with children should hold Introductory and/or Level One qualification from the National Coaching and Training Centre (N.C.T.C.). Such qualification is available by participating in the coaching courses run by the Pitch and Putt Ireland.
- Clubs should ensure that they have adequate insurance cover in place catering for all aspects of club activity.
- Clubs should have a First Aid Kit securely on the premises but accessible during club activity.
- All accidents, however minor, must be recorded in an Accident Report Book. The book will contain details of actions to be carried out.
- Clubs should display prominently:
- Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children's Sport in Ireland.
- Pitch and Putt Ireland's Policy Document.
- Pitch and Putt Ireland in consultation with and on the advice of the relevant statutory bodies, produce updated data on an ongoing basis to promote the concept and ethos of the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children's Sport in Ireland and Pitch and Putt Ireland's own Policy Document.
- Ongoing seminars will promote a greater awareness and knowledge of the Code of Ethics and Good practice for Children's Sport in Ireland for all involved in children's sport.
- Clubs should appoint a Designated Person (see pages 14/15 of the booklet) who shall be responsible for the reporting to the statutory authorities of any allegations of abuse. This position should be held by the Chairperson as the most senior officer holder in the club.
Governance Code
About the Governance Code:
The Governance Code for Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations (CVC Code), launched in 2012, has become the de-facto standard for excellent practice in corporate governance for non-profit organisations. It was developed, maintained and promoted by a unique coalition of leadership organisations in the non-profit sector that worked together with a small number of like-minded organisations and individuals with relevant expertise from the private sector.
The Government’s National Sports Policy, published in July 2018, tasks Sport Ireland with overseeing a process whereby all National Governing Bodies for Sport and Local Sports Partnerships adopt the Code by the end of 2021. In taking over the Code, Sport Ireland can ensure that this objective is delivered and that all funded organisations have appropriate governance structures in place.
The five principles of the code are:
1 - Leading the organisation, 2 - Exercising control over the organisation, 3 - Being transparent and accountable, 4 - Working effectively, 5 - Behaving with integrity.
Pitch and Putt Ireland has become fully compliant with the code in April 2021. This is stated on the Sport Ireland website: Sport Ireland - Register of Organisations in Compliance with the Governance Code for Sport
For further information, see: Sport Ireland – Governance Code for Sport