St. Anne's AGM

Officers and Committee - 2012/2013

At our recent AGM, the following members were elected as officers and committee members for St. Anne's for the 2012/2013 playing season:

President: Bernard Allen
Chairman: Sean Galvin
Vice-Chairman: Michael Murphy
Secretary: Kieran Dunscombe
Treasurer: Ian Wilkins
Captain: Martin O'Leary
Lady Captain: Chris O'Shaughnessy
Competitions Secretary: Colin Ahern
Public Relations Officer: Ian Leech
Registrar: Frank Dineen
Juvenile Officer: Michael Long
Committee Members: Dermot Twomey, Ray Murphy, Daniel Long, George Mulcahy and Charlie O'Sullivan

Best of luck to the new officers and committee members for the coming season and a big thank you to the outgoing officers and committee members who did a great job over the last year.