
Annual Convention

Reminder image

Convention 2018

The 2018 Convention of the Pitch and Putt Union of Ireland will take place in the Templemore Arms Hotel, Templemore on Saturday 24th February 2018 at 11.00am SHARP. All delegates are requested to attend in good time. If the business of the Convention is not concluded on the Saturday, Convention will be reconvened on Sunday 25th February 2018.

The Convention shall consist of the Officers of the NEC, three representatives of each County/Regional Board and one representative from each Club properly affiliated to the Pitch and Putt Union of Ireland.

Notice of Motions, Recommendations and Nominations for NEC Officers must reach the PPUI Office on or before the close of business on the 5th February 2018.


  1. Examine the credentials of those present who shall have signed the attendance roll. Credentials of club representatives shall be in writing signed by the Club Chairman or Secretary

  2. Presidents/Chairman’s Address

  3. Confirm the Minutes of the 2017 Convention.

  4. Hon. Secretary’s Report

  5. Hon. Treasurer’s Report

  6. All other Officers Reports

  7. Election of National Executive Council Officers

  8. Confirm Election of Patrons

  9. Election of Auditors

  10. Fix Quorum for meetings of National Executive Council 2018

  11. Motions/Recommendations.