Pitch and Putt Ireland Referee Course

Now Online

Pitch and Putt Ireland Referee Course image

This online Referees Course is a refresher on the Rules of Pitch and Putt so that you can take your first step towards becoming a qualified Referee. The aim is to help you to perfect your knowledge of the Rules. 

Evaluate your knowledge by taking the revision questions at the end of each section and try to complete the first step by taking the Final online Examination. Six revision sections are included to assess your understanding.

Intending referees are required to successfully complete each revision stage before progressing to the next level, attaining, and building a comprehensive Rules knowledge in the process. 

Then you can take the Final online Examination.

It is also vital that a practical examination is undertaken and that will be the next step.

Click on the link to begin https://john-s-school-4898.thinkific.com/enroll/800430?price_id=852842