Douglas Weekly Notes


Douglas Pitch & Putt
Results from last weekend:There was on threeball Scramble last weekend as Juvenile A was in the Final of the County Leagues in Pfizers against Lakewood. They were 1.1 after the fourballs and they lost 4 of the 5 singles matches and it finished 5-2 to Lakewood. Well done lads for getting to the final,ye will win it next year.
Sunday Fourball 1st Nett +13 Mick Lynch, Mark Gosling.2nd Nett +13 Shane Neiland, Barry Noonan.3rd Nett +11 Liam O'Brian, Alf Hanarhan.
Good luck to the 4 teams we have in the County Board Scramble next Saturday in Pfizers.
Dress Code in Operation
We would apperciate if members would come up on Saturday for some Coarse work.
Fixtures:Saturday Threeball Scramble 2.30pm
Sunday Fourball 10.30am
Wednesday Juvenile Fourball 3.30am