2019 Convention Blog

Updates from Templemore

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2019 Convention Book


Convention has concluded here in Templemore, a massive thank you to all who followed us today as we solemnly and poignantly remembered Helen McMorrow by posthumously awarding her the 2019 Hall of Fame award and also welcomed our former Secretary Peg Smith as our newest Patron. Congratulations to Mark Keohane on his election as our new Vice-President as we welcome Liam Leahy back to the NEC for the first time since 2016 as our new Youth Officer.
Bryan Delaney and Ger Ward were honoured as our No 1 ranked players as Marise Carroll of the Dublin County Board accepted the Ladies award on Ger’s behalf. Further information on today can be found on our blog on the website at present and tomorrow we will post our President Mervyn Cooney’s speech to delegates at today’s Meeting. Until then it is a goodbye and a safe home to all from Templemore. 



All recommendations have been discussed. Meeting nearing conclusion. 


Motion 39 defeated, that concludes motions. 


Motion 38 in relation to 40 seconds to take shot from time ball is addressed is carried. 

Motion 37 carried, ball search now down to three minutes. 


Motion 36 carried. 

Motion 35 in relation to changing from shoulder drop to knee drop gets a simple majority but not a two-thirds, DEFEATED. 


Motion 33 withdrawn, Motion 34 wins a simple majority but not enough (two-thirds) to be carried. DEFEATED. 


Motion 32. optional use of a third club (one of which must be a putter) motion for a trial period of one year IS CARRIED after a vote of 52 in favour and 12 against. 


Motion 31 regarding no penalty if ball moved by wind on putting green carried. 

Motion 30 carried. 


Motion 29 regarding ability to be able to remove loose impediments in bunkers is carried. 

Motion 28, Kilbeggan's motion in relation to sprinkler heads is carried. 


Motion 27 carried, now on to Rules of Play motions. 

Motion 26 concerning procedures for a potential wind-up of organisation carried. 


Motion 23 defeated. Motion 25 carried. 


Motion 22 passed concerning Three Ball Scramble Allowance being 1/3 of combined carried meaning Motion 24 falls. 

Motion 21 concerning Club Matchplay cuts by Old County defeated. 


Motion 20 carried.  

Motion 19 withdrawn by the Dublin County Board. 

Motion 18 carried meaning all changes agreed at Convention to be implemented within a month of same. 


Motions 16 & 17 carried as well. 

Motion 15 in relation to increase of registration fee to €15 carried after a vote of 53 in favour and 11 against. 


Motions 13 & 14 concerning return of Pitch & Putt Year to March-February in 2020 carried. 

Motion 12 withdrawn. 

Motions 10 & 11 carried removing references to Registrar in the Constitution carried.


Motion Eight carried, Motion Nine withdrawn. 

Motion Seven tidying up Article 21.5 of the Constitution carried. 

Motion Six concerning the creation of a Committee of First Appeal (COFA) to deal with all appeals in future carried. 


Motion Four clarifying only NEC have power to withdraw registration cards carried. Motion Five carried also


Motion Three regarding clarification that clubs do not have to provide finiancial records to the governing body carried. 

Motion Two regarding giving NEC power to implement Ladies & U-16 Sub Committee recommendations carried. 


Motion One to change the name of the organisation to 'Pitch & Putt Ireland' from 2020 carried. 


Declan's Presentation concluded, well received by the Meeting, we now come to the Motions. Please follow the above Booklet to keep track of results of motions as they are decided. 


Convention back underway, Declan Sheedy currently addressing delegates with the findings of the Ladies and U-16 Sub-Committee Report. 


Break for lunch, return at 2.15pm 

Vice-President Vote: Mark Keohane 31, Davy Reddin 26 and Liam Leahy 13. Mark Keohane deemed elected. 

Davy Reddin elected Leinster/Ulster Co-Ordinator unopposed

Liam Leahy elected U-16 Officer unopposed. 


Hon Secretary, Hon Treasurer, National Competition Co-Ordinator, Communications & Press Officer, Development & Marketing Officer and Technical Officer all returned unopposed as we await result of Vice Presidential Vote. 


Liam Leahy, Davy Reddin and Mark Keohane all declare their interest in running for the poistion of Vice President. Vote underway. 


Election of Officers now underway. Mervyn Cooney returned unopposed as President. 


Awards to our No 1 ranked Ladies and Gents players Ger Ward and Bryan Delaney now being made. Marise Carroll of Dublin County Board accepting award on Ger's behalf in her absence. 


Annoucement of our 2019 Hall of Fame Recipient, the honour is posthumously awarded to the late Helen McMorrow RIP. 


Other Reports Concluded, Announcement of new Patron now which is our former Secretary Peg Smith of Dublin. 


Treasurer's Report now discussed and proposed & seconded by Meeting. Now on to other reports. 


Secretary's Report taken as read and proposed and seconded by the Meeting. Now on to Treasurer's Report 


2018 Minutes proposed and seconded, now on to Secretary's Report. 


Presidential Address concluded, now on to Minutes of last year's Convention. 


Convention underway with President Mervyn Cooney's address following official introduction by Myles McMorrow on behalf of Lakeside club. 


Welcome to the 2019 PPUI Convention from Templemore @ the Templemore Arms Hotel getting underway at 11am. Click on the link to the book above for details of the order of the day. We will have updates here during the day of proceedings with news of elections, votes on motions and the annoucement of our 2019 Hall of Fame announcement which is expected before we break for lunch.